Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry High Disk Usage Fixed

Microsoft can be considered to be the biggest boon in the digital universe. It had entered solving many small and big issues and has its hand responsible for how most of the internet world is based on. With every update, we have more and more amazing tools which entitle the users to create and expand on higher realms. Talking of Microsoft, there is another instrument that is being talked about often- Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry.

What is Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry?

Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry came with the improvisation of Windows 10. The specific gear detects and dispatches the information from the user’s device to the surveillance of those working as a team of Windows Development.

So many people have blamed Microsoft in the case of detecting personal information from their computers or laptops even though Microsoft has stated many times that it is just for the purpose of affixing complications and giving a better service.

What Does It Do?

  • Initial 35 MB of data from your computer will be shared with the Windows Development Team if you use your Webcam
  • If you are writing a text, it will also be shared after every 30 minutes’ time period
  • The Multimedia information will also be sent directly to the team
  • The kind of hardware you are using is shared, too
  • Your own personal details are visible, as well
  • In case you use Cortona, that information is also dispatched to the Microsoft team

What is Safe?

  • The Bing history
  • The wallpaper on Windows 10
  • The Current Location

How to Disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry?

There is a Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry tool that functions under Windows 7, 8, 9, and 10. By using it, you can close off/disable all the features of Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry that were, till now, becoming the reason your personal information is being shared with the Windows Development Team at Microsoft.

Also Read: How to Fix DPC Watchdog Violation Error in Windows

#1. Method One

Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry high disk usage problem can be affixed by taking the help of Command Prompt inside Windows 10.

Following are the steps to follow:

  1. Take the cursor to the logo of Windows
  2. Press the logo and Letter R at once
  3. The Dialogue box of Run will shoot open
  4. Write ‘CMD’ inside the space
  5. Do not click OK suddenly
  6. Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER together
  7. CMD will be opened on behalf of the administrator
  8. The screen will open and you have to copy the following commands in it.
  • sc delete DiagTrack
  • sc delete dmwappushservice
  • echo ““ > C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\ETLLogs\AutoLogger\AutoLogger-DiagTrack-Listener.etl
  • red add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection”/v AllowTelemtery/t REG_DWORD/d 0 /f

9. Paste the same copied text in your CMD Admin Screen and keep clicking Enter.

#2. Method Two

Following are the steps to follow:

  1. Take the cursor to the logo of Windows
  2. Press the logo and Letter R at once
  3. The Dialogue box of Run will shoot open
  4. Write taskchd.msc in the blank space
  5. Click OK
  6. The Task Scheduler window will appear
  7. Click on Task Scheduler Library at the top to maximize what you are seeing
  8. There is a folder of Microsoft. You have to open it
  9. Open the Windows folder in it
  10. Find the folder named “application Experience”
  11. Click on it
  12. A new window will come in view along with various tasks in it
  13. Now find the name “Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser”
  14. Right-click on the option. Disable option will appear. Click on it and it will be disabled.
  15. Restart your device

#3. Method Three

Following are the steps to follow:

  1. Take the cursor to the logo of Windows
  2. Press the logo and Letter R at once
  3. The Dialogue box of Run will shoot open
  4. Write gpedit.msc in the blank space
  5. Click OK
  6. Click on the option of Computer Configuration
  7. Go to Administrative Templates
  8. Go to Windows Components
  9. Then click on Data collection and preview builds
  10. Click twice on Allow Telemetry
  11. Click on Disable and OK

Important Note: If you can’t find gpedit.msc,  Follow these steps to find:

  • Download gpedit.msc(Group Policy Editor) from Internet
  • When it’s done, Go to C:\Windows\SysWOW64, and copy the following:
    folders: GroupPolicy
    gpedit.msc(console document)
  • Paste them in the following locations:

#4. Method Four

Following are the steps to follow:

  1. Take the cursor to the logo of Windows
  2. Press the logo and Letter R at once
  3. The Dialogue box of Run will shoot open
  4. Write C:\Windows\System32 in the blank space
  5. Click OK
  6. A new will be opened and you have to search for the folder named CompatTelRunner.exe
  7. Right-click on the option CompatTelRunner
  8. Then click on Properties
  9. Click on Security Tab on the top
  10. Select Advanced option at the down
  11. Look for to select Owner
  12. Then click on Edit
  13. A new window shall open and then click on Administrators below and then Apply and Ok
  14. One more window shall open. Again click on Ok
  15. Now by right-clicking, select the Compattelrunner.exe once again and then click on the option of Properties
  16. Click the Security tab once again and Select the option Advanced. Then with clicking on Permission Tab, one list will appear, select the option Account You Are Using and then select Edit
  17. A new window will open. Choose your at-present account and select the Allow for the option for Full Control
  18. This action will enable you to delete CompattelRunner.exe which can help you resolve the issue of Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry.

It is understandable that we all care a lot about our personal data being shared with some other party,  of course, it is a huge matter of privacy but we have been using Microsoft for so long and we never had to face anything big or unavoidable problematic situation from it and so, we can put a little trust of ours in Microsoft for time being and see what are the results we get from there. Being patient or not is all up to us. Rest, easy disabling methods are all mentioned in the article itself.


In order to conclude, the Microsoft telemetry system can be enabled in multiple ways more than this, but these four steps work as the best ones to be worked on. As a matter of concern, this system works more efficiently in eliminating unnecessary disk usage and prevents the operating system to run freely. Hope these methods will definitely work and help your system to run like a new one.