Top 3 Benefit of Outsourcing Video Game Development

The use of video games has become detailed and comprehensive as generations keep coming. Investors who have chosen to put their money in the gaming industry have opted to outsource developers and it has become a trend across the world. As the organization keeps on growing, the players’ expectations also go high from time to time. Meeting the expectations of the players without expansion of the organization can be challenging or even without taking risks. It is at this point where external developers come in to try and solve the situation without long time expenditure. Top developers have chosen to hire an external development team to reduce the workload and at the same time provide skilled assistance. As they come in, they minimize the need for resources and expert knowledge which would have called for training for internal employees to handle.

Studios that offer outsourced Video game services are also known as Xdev studios. During their team creation, they are designed in a manner that can specifically collaborate and complement an already established gaming developer. Some of the key areas in which they focus their video game skills include; motion capture at Centroid or UX/UI design at Sprung Studios. In our article today, we are going to inform you of the benefits of game development outsourcing in your organization.


The first major advantage is the minimization of the total cost that could have been used when using in-house development. Additionally, this is not only going to work on the cost but also the amount of time spent to develop the game. Most of the people who have invested in gaming at times get in shock on the after-service charges done by Xdev companies, the most important thing they keep forgetting and calculating is the amount used for the long-time in-house services. For them to also use in-house services, they have to advance the resources they have, unlike when they hire external experts. Most of them come in with their resources or work at their stations with a project manager from your organization to ensure your demands are attained. Hiring Xdev will be to your advantage in terms of cost in the following ways;

  • Amount of money used to hire. You will need to advertise the position in the market, carry out interviews, and other related hiring expenses.
  • Purchasing new hardware and software subscriptions is required for the hired staff. Some of the services are not longtime, and so you will end up spending so much money only for short period unlike when you would have outsourced experts.
  • Save on the amount of time used. Most of the experts have various projects to work on, so when you hire them, they will try and work on your project as quickly as possible and move to the next client.

I would therefore advise that you can spot a certain team that is experienced and has a good portfolio for your time-to-time service requirements. Ensure they can attend to your needs when in need.


Another significance of outsourcing video game development studios is the issue of flexibility in terms of the services they offer. The question of ramping up and down projects was one of the major concerns in 2020 external development summit (XDS). It was considered as one of the major reasons why people have chosen to go for game development outsourcing services unlike hiring their own. Time to time deadlines and additional features involved in a video game in the recent world have made video game development seem complex unlike before. Xdev developer’s studios try to meet various deadlines given by supporting the demanding parts and bridging gaps that could occur to ensure they finish projects as fast as they can.

Ramping up and down the amount of assistance needed is another value of Xdev studios after the completion of the project. The flexibility potential is one of the significant reasons why most people are choosing outsourcing video development studios. They are able to adapt to various changes as quickly as possible and stay as long as their services are recommended or as per the time given to complete the project.

Another way of how flexibility works in advantage in Xdev is; they are able to aid in unfortunate situations such as critical team members from a developer pulling out midway through a project. The game must be finished even when such unpredictable events occur. On most occasions, there is no adequate time to hire replacements minus the project taking a significant hit. Xdev studios are able to handle such situations by responding to them quickly and getting someone else to step in as quickly as possible since they have various experts and appropriate connections. The ease of adoption is also another significant reason why you should go for game development outsourcing services. They are familiar with ongoing trends are able to adopt various situations that clients might call for.


The question of quality was one of the top significant consideration factors that most developers and publish go for according to one study. Outsourced video game developers have multiple specializations to the advantage of in-house experts who might be specialized in one field. Due to this, they are likely to facilitate high-quality deliverables compared to in-house staff. Xdev studios are highly exposed because they keep handling various projects to various different organizations; as a result, they might offer more ideas that could help the game become better than they thought of before. The efforts brought in by various team members hired are likely to come up with more ideas when they are working on your project.

Consequently, the high focus on their strength to market themselves and focus on working on distinct areas may result in the outcome becoming even better than expected.  Some developers think that hiring Xdev might result in the project becoming harder to comprehend and less productive which is not the case. Whenever Xdev services are involved, they come in fully; guide you on each part, and try to show you how to handle the game. Most of them offer timely maintenance and assistance whenever situations occur in their contract.


As mentioned earlier, don’t be overlook the cost you are going to minimize and tend to forget the quality of services being rendered to you. Ensure the company or team you are hiring is qualified and has enough experience to handle your project. Check on the resources and after-service advantages before hiring any team to develop your game. Lastly, check on the security factors and the confidentiality of your game.